When registering your own vehicle, you will need to bring your:
Original Signed Proof of Ownership/Bill of Sale (no copies, emails or scans accepted)
Proof of Alberta Insurance (valid on the date you come in)
NVIS (New Vehicle Information Statement)- Required only for brand new vehicles
All individuals named as buyers on the bill of sale, or intended to be named on the registration document must be present in the registry office. If all parties are unable to come in, please fill out the Authorization for Vehicle Services Form in order to register.
Proof of ownership is most commonly an original bill of sale or a lease agreement. In the case of moving across provinces, your proof of ownership may be your current registration from that province.
When completing your bill of sale, please ensure that all changes or alterations are initialed by both the buyer(s) and seller(s) in order to be accepted by a Registry office.
A Valid Pink Card is considered proof of insurance in Alberta and is required for all Motor Vehicle services. Your pink card can be a photocopy, electronic copy or the original document.
In place of a pink card, your full insurance policy listing all vehicles being renewed can be presented. Please note that all individuals named on the registration must show on the pink card as well.
Please note: vehicle registrations in joint names and commercial registrations cannot be renewed online
When renewing your own registration, you will need to bring your:
Current Registration (recommended but not required)
Proof of Alberta Insurance (valid on the date you come in
When renewing on behalf of someone else, you will need to bring:
Their Proof of Alberta Insurance (valid on the date you come in)
Their Current registration document (can be a paper or electronic copy)
** if expired more than 3 months the completed Authorization for Vehicle Services form will also be required.
If current registration is not available, a completed Authorization for Vehicle Services is required.
Renewing a vehicle with changes means that you are changing the plate, colour or weight of the vehicle, or another feature of the vehicle that would be displayed on the registration.
When changing your own registration, you will need to bring your:
Proof of Alberta Insurance (valid on the date you come in)
When changing someone else’s registration, you will need to bring:
Completed Authorization for Vehicle Services form (indicating the change(s) to be made)
Their Proof of Alberta Insurance (valid on the date you come in)
Minors: Anybody under the age of 18, must have a parent/guardian (with proper ID) accompany them to the
registry to sign a parental consent form when obtaining new vehicle registration.
Consent of the parent/guardian is required each time a minor registers a vehicle, or when the minor is making changes to the licence plate or vehicle on the registration. (Not required for vehicle renewals with no changes or duplicate registration certificates.)
When registering a vehicle you owned in another province or purchased from out of province, an Out of Province inspection may be required. Certain vehicles may qualify for an exemption. To verify if an inspection is required and obtain the inspection form, visit the registry office with your proof of ownership or previous registration document.
Off-highway vehicles such as ATVs and snowmobiles, prorate commercial vehicles, and trailers do not need an out of province inspection.
Once this inspection is complete, the Inspection Certificate must be returned to our office within 14 days of the inspection date.
For further information, please contact the registry office.
There are additional registration requirements for commercial vehicles.
A commercial vehicle transports people or goods and is not used only as a private passenger vehicle.
There are 3 classes of licence plates that apply to commercial carriers in Alberta. These plates are different from the ones used on personal vehicles. Each commercial licence plate allows a carrier to perform a particular type of work.
Please contact the registry office for more information on commercial registrations.
Fleet and Prorate Services also available. Please contact the registry for more information.
An in-transit permit allows a person to move a vehicle or trailer that doesn’t have a valid vehicle registration and licence plate.
The in-transit permit can be used in the following situations:
Moving a vehicle between 2 points in Canada​
​7 day ​Maximum
​7 day ​Maximum
For car dealership demonstration/test drive purposes​
​7 day ​Maximum
7 day ​Maximum
Salvage vehicles
Maximum 24 hours
When moving the vehicle from one province to another, the starting point or ending point must be in Alberta.
Permits are available at the registry or online. The following is required:
Proof of insurance
Proof of ownership (not required if only moving inside Alberta)
When an unregistered vehicle or trailer is carrying a load, a load licensing permit is needed in addition to the in-transit permit.
In Transit Permit: Moving an Unregistered Vehicle from Point A to Point B
In Transit Permit: For Demonstration/Test Drive Purposes
In Transit Permit: For Repairs/Service
Edmonton Oilers fans can proudly show support for their team with a specialty licence plate featuring the Oilers' colours, logo and slogan.
One-time fee of $75 plus a $9 registry agent service charge. Standard vehicle registration fees apply.
Oilers plates are only available for passenger vehicles used for personal transportation.
Letters and numbers are issued in sequential order, they cannot be personalized.
Plates will be mailed directly from the manufacturer.

Most of the money raised from the plates will go towards the Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation, a charitable organization that helps build strong, vibrant and safe communities. Their focus is on programs that support health, wellness, education and minor hockey programming for youth in northern Alberta.
Calgary Flames fans can proudly show support for their team with a specialty licence plate featuring the Flames' colours, logo and slogan.
One-time fee of $75 plus a $9 registry agent service charge. Standard vehicle registration fees apply.
Flames plates are only available for passenger vehicles used for personal transportation.
Letters and numbers are issued in sequential order, they cannot be personalized.
Plates will be mailed directly from the manufacturer.

Most of the money raised from the plates will go towards the Calgary Flames Foundation, a charitable organization that supports health, wellness, education and amateur sports in southern Alberta.
The Support our Troops licence plate honours current and former members of the Canadian Armed Forces.
The design features artwork in honour of the first 4 Alberta-based Canadian soldiers whose lives were lost in Afghanistan in April 2002.
One-time fee of $75 plus a $9 registry agent service charge. Standard vehicle registration fees apply.
Support our Troops plates are only available for passenger vehicles used for personal transportation.
Letters and numbers are issued in sequential order, they cannot be personalized.
Plates will be mailed directly from the manufacturer.

Most of the money raised from the plates will go towards the Support our Troops program managed by Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services to assist military members and their families.
The Support our Troops plate does not replace the veterans plate, which are only issued to eligible members of the military. Unlike the veterans plate, anyone can order the Support our Troops plate.
You cannot exchange a veterans plate for a Support our Troops plate.
The Government of Alberta introduced a special veterans' licence plate in 2005 and a motorcycle veterans' licence plate in 2012 to honour the contributions of Alberta veterans.
Alberta residents who have served, or are currently serving, in the following capacities are eligible for veterans’ licence plates:
Honourably discharged after serving as a member of the Canadian Armed Forces
Honourably discharged after serving in an allied force, the Canadian or allied merchant navy, or the ferry command in World War II, the Korean War, or the Gulf War
Currently serve in the Canadian Armed Forces with at least 3 years of active service
Members of the RCMP or other Canadian police departments who served under NATO or the United Nations
Currently serve as members of the RCMP with at least 3 years of active service
Honourably discharged after serving as members of the RCMP
The Royal Canadian Legion (RCL), Alberta/NWT Command must approve all applications before you can be issued a veterans’ plate.
You can print an application from The RCL, Alberta/NWT Command and mail to the following address:
Alberta/NWT Command Veterans’ Plate
The Royal Canadian Legion
2020 15th Street NW
Calgary, Alberta T2M 3N8
Once you have an approved application form from the legion, you may request the plate from your local registry agent.
Standard or personalized veterans’ licence plates can be used on:
passenger vehicles
commercial farm vehicles
Amateur Radio Operators (HAM)
Veterans’ licence plates cannot be used on:
commercial vehicles (except commercial farm)
off-highway vehicles
When the veteran passes away, the veterans' licence plate may be retained only as a memento but can no longer be used on a vehicle.
A parking placard allows people who cannot walk 50 metres (164 feet) to use disabled parking stalls. The placards are issued to individuals who provide proper proof that they meet the requirements. You can only have 1 placard for each vehicle registered in your name.
There are 3 types of parking placards:
a temporary placard, issued for between 3 and 12 months
a long-term placard, issued for 5 years
a permanent placard that can be renewed every 5 years by the client without additional medical certification
You can also get a licence plate that contains the official disabled driver logo. An applicant requesting plates must have the vehicle(s) registered with the name of the person with the disability on the vehicle registration.
Parking placards are available to individuals and some organizations who meet the requirements.
If you’re a resident of Alberta and can’t walk more than 50 metres (164 feet), you may be eligible to apply for a parking placard.
People who have sensory impairments, such as deafness and blindness, are not eligible for a parking placard.
If you are visiting Alberta, you can use your valid (non-expired) parking placard from your home province/territory or country.
If you have forgotten your parking placard at home, you can apply for a temporary red parking placard to use during your stay. These parking placards must be returned to a registry agent before you leave Alberta.
Parking placards can be issued to organizations that provide transportation services to persons with disabilities.
The business can only have 1 parking placard for each vehicle registered in the organization’s name. Placards cannot be issued to volunteer drivers.
Step 1: Fill out an application
Parking Placards for People with Disabilities Application
If you are applying on behalf of someone else, please visit an Alberta registry agent to obtain the necessary consent form.
Step 2: Get the application approved
The application may be approved by an authorized healthcare provider, such as a:
occupational therapist
physical therapist
nurse practitioner
The application must be submitted within 6 months of the healthcare professional signing it.
Step 3: Submit the application
Bring your completed application to a registry agent, along with: acceptable identification
If you are visiting Alberta and didn’t bring your placard with you, go to a registry agent and request a short-term placard that will cover the length of your visit to Alberta. The placard must be returned to a registry agent before you leave Alberta.
Step 1: Write a letter
Write a letter on the organization’s letterhead containing the following information:
the number of placards requested
the intended use of the parking placards
the licence plate numbers of the vehicles
The letter must be signed by an authorized officer.
The number of placards an organization gets depends on the number of active vehicle registrations it has. An organization is only entitled to get enough placards for each active vehicle.
Organizations will get a red placard for 1-year terms only.
Step 2: Submit the letter
Send your letter to a registry agent.
A valid parking placard and matching registration certificate can only be used by the person it is issued to.
The driver must ensure that the placard is valid and they have a registration certificate.
You can use your valid placard and registration certificate in any vehicle that provides you with transportation.
The driver must obey other parking laws and pay any parking fees.
Persons issued a disabled licence plate and registration are subject to a yearly registration fee.
Your valid placard must be hung from the vehicle’s rear-view mirror with the registration number and expiry date visible from outside the vehicle.
The matching registration certificate must be in the vehicle and presented on demand by a Peace Officer.
You must enter or exit the vehicle when parked in a stall marked for persons with disabilities.
Municipal bylaws govern these parking stalls on both public and private property.
A stall or parking space signed for persons with disabilities is not for the exclusive use of one person with a disability; it may be used by others with valid placards.